a note . . .
this site was first built during a transitional period of my life, a withdrawal from social media in a time where it feels that vulnerability and genuineness is being punished with increasing severity. this quiet corner became an escape away from the cruelty and hostility of the modern web.
much of my work throughout my life has explored themes of isolation, self-imposed or otherwise. the moral scrupulosity of online communities and ever-tightening circle of acceptable self-expression makes visibility unsafe. i was born inhuman, tenderhearted yet wrong, never quite passing as a person. embracing an inhuman identity became a source of comfort.
on some level, even subconsciously, i believe we as artists know our work is not permanent. we create anyway.
when i write, code, and draw it's easy to think "no one will like this; this won't soothe anyone's soul the way it does mine" and i do it anyway. i don't know any other way to exist. i can hope, perhaps naively so, that the things i create will touch and inspire those that they reach, but in the absence of feedback it instead becomes a celebration of the self in all its crooked, offputting glory.
using this site to express the love in my undead heart makes the time spent feel valuable. every pixel, line of code, and character in a text box was spun out of love for myself, my partner, and for other strangelings.
i hope it comes across as genuine and passionate as intended, and i hope it offers you, kind guest, some comfort as well--even if everything is dusty and lined with teeth. ♡